Weekly Newsletter
A weekly Gordyland newsletter is emailed to all camp parents that reviews the previous week and what to look forward to.
We capture the essence of camp through the lens of one of our staff members. Hundreds of these photos are uploaded on our Wilton Family Y Facebook page on a weekly basis. Check our page to see your child in action.
Keep in touch through our Camp Gordyland Parent Facebook Page. Click here to follow.
Face-to-Face Connections
Each camp morning and afternoon, over 20 camp directors are stationed at all areas to ensure they are available to connect with you regarding questions, concerns or feedback. Directors are dressed in our signature NEON “Gordy Green” shirts.
Camp Parent Handbook
Our camp policies/procedures are detailed in our Parent Handbook 2019. Please make sure to review it carefully as it pertains directly to your child’s summer camp experience.
Remind App
Get notifications on your phone to changes in pick-up/drop-off locations and reminders about special camp activities.
Phone or Email
If you have any questions, please contact the Directors of the Individual Camps
Busy Bees
Elena Baggio @ busybees@riverbrookymca.org
Kimberly Fejes @ kfejes@riverbrookymca.org
Counselor-in-Training (CIT)
Camp Free-To-Be
Molly Blosser @ mblosser@riverbrookymca.org
Special Needs
Chris Foley @ cfoley@riverbrookymca.org
Teen Camp
Mike McGowan @ teencampdirector@riverbrookymca.org
[button id=”button_26″ size=”small” link=”https://wiltonymca.org/wiltonymca_org/programs/summer-camp/camp-forms-details/” icon=”” text_color=”#231f20″ bg_color=”#01a490″ text_color_hover=”#231f20″ bg_color_hover=”#fcaf17″]Camp Forms & Information[/button]