Registration Process
1. Log in *If you have difficulty logging in, please contact Alex Corra, Membership Associate at 762-8384 x 0.
2. Browse or Type the Camp you are interested in
3. VERY IMPORTANT…you must register your child for the grade they are ENTERING IN THE FALL OF 2019. If your child is registered for the wrong grade, your child’s place in camp cannot be guaranteed.
Financial Assistance:
The Riverbrook Regional YMCA offers camp scholarships to qualifying families. We encourage families in need of assistance to submit applications as soon as camp registration opens to secure a spot in first choice of weeks. Should you be offered assistance, payment plan arrangements can be made through the business office at the time of award acceptance. All camp policies apply to financial assistance awards.
Applications are available on the Riverbrook Regional YMCA web page or at the front desk. Applications must be completed in full and submitted with the required supporting documentation to Linda Simpson. Please do not register before hearing about an offered award as prices will not be discounted on registered weeks. All registrations will be made via the business office. Applications for camp assistance will not be accepted after May 1, 2019.
Camp Payments:
All camp balances are due by May 4th, 2019. If you register online, the balance will automatically be set to charge on May 4. If you do not want an automatic charge and would prefer a bill be sent, please email Linda Simpson after registration to remove the automatic charge. Any registrations not set to automatically charge will have bills mailed in April. Payment can be made via your online account or sending payment in. A $50 per week late fee will be applied each week payment is late after May 4th, 2019.
Please contact Linda Simpson in the Business Office if you would like to set up a payment plan. Any payment plan set up with payments made via a credit/debit card will be charged an additional 3% processing fee. The last payment plan charge will be July 1st.
Waitlist Policy:
While registering, if there are no spaces available in the week you want, you will automatically have the option of being put on a waitlist for that week. If a space should open up, you will be contacted via phone and email by a camp director. You will have 2 business days to respond. If we do not hear from you in that time, we will assume you are not interested in registering for that week and will move onto the next camper on list.
Camp Enhancement Fee
There is a one-time CAMP ENHANCEMENT FEE per child, per year of either $15, $20, or $25+. 100% of monies will go towards enhancing your child’s camp experience through updating existing activities or adding new ones. This summer, we will be purchasing new activities on land and in the water! After your initial registration, if you are adding camp weeks and do not want to be charged the camp enhancement fee again, please contact Mike Kazlauskas @ 203-762-8384 x277.
Give an experience to your favorite little camper that they will always remember all YEAR long! Give the gift of Confidence, Friendship and a lifetime of memories!
Send them to camp for a week or more in only a few short steps!
Make great Birthday and holiday gifts!
Click HERE for more information!
Gift Bundle are available for pick-up Monday – Friday.
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