Yearly, the Riverbrook Regional YMCA serves over 2,000 youth aged 6 months – 18 years old through swim lessons, after school child care and nursery school classrooms, summer day camp, fitness and sports activities, competitive programs in aquatics and gymnastics, and open recreation time in our pools and gym.

The safety of our children is the Y’s highest priority. All employees of the YMCA, know IT IS our responsibility to ensure the safety of the children entrusted to our care.

We use the KNOW, SEE, RESPOND methodology to protect our youth from Child Sexual Abuse.

We know the Y’s Child Abuse policies and procedures.
We know the signs of Child Sexual Abuse.
We keep up-to-date on Child Abuse and Mandated Reporter Training’s.

We utilize Bystander Intervention when we see an offender breaking rules.
o Describe the inappropriate behavior to the person who crossed it.
o Set a limit on the person who crossed the boundary.
o Move on. Stay calm and state the limit in non-emotional manner.

Three instances by which we need to react to sexual abuse:
o A Child discloses abuse to us.
o We discover sexual abuse ourselves
o We have reason to suspect it.
Please join us as we engage in

Please join us as we engage in

We strongly encourage you to stop in the YMCA LOBBY and sign a PLEDGE TO PROTECT card to shield our children from Child Sexual Abuse!

For more information contact:
Kim Murphy – kmurphy@riverbrookymca.org
Kimberly Fejes – kfejes@riverbrookymca.org
Maria Bonini – mbonini@riverbrookymca.org
Desiree Edwards – dedwards@riverbrookymca.org