Mark Wilson



The Karen Strickland YMCA
Employee of the Year Award

During the June 26, 2024, Riverbrook Regional YMCA Board of Directors Meeting, Mark Wilson, Lifeguard, received the 2024 Karen Strickland Award.

The YMCA Employee of the Year Award is named in honor of Karen Strickland who served as a staff member of the Wilton Family YMCA for over 26 years from 1988-2014.  Recipients of this award must have demonstrated the passion for the YMCA in similar ways that Karen did during her tenure with the Y.  Karen’s drive and initiative toward continually improving the experiences of not only the members of the Y but also the staff and the community as a whole have been demonstrated by those honored on a plaque that is displayed with the names of our previous recipients.  Each honoree has given above and beyond the expectations and has truly shown that they live and work by the core values of honesty, caring, respect and responsibility just as Karen did during her time with our YMCA. 

Mark has been an integral contributor to our organization’s success and the communities we serve. Mark exemplifies all that Karen Strickland brought to our YMCA, our members, and participants that utilize our programs and services over the years.

Congratulations Mark!